Product Teardown of Genlink

Product Teardown of Genlink

What problem is product solving?

With the decline in real conversations between people, discussing real-life events, and situations, Genlink was created.

Who is the product built for?

Genlink is created for individuals that look to develop themselves socially, spiritually and mentally.


What are the major Features of the product and what are their individual functions?

  • Posting/Engaging

  • Liking

  • Comment

  • Notification





Posting: This is the feature where individuals and organizations can post write-ups, pictures and videos to the News Feed.

Liking: this is the feature where individuals can like posts that were made by other individuals.

Comment: this feature is used to better express one's mind through writeups.

Notification: This is a feature that alerts the user on activities around his likes and connection

Message: this is the feature where individuals can interact with one another personally.

Group: This is a collection of individuals with a similar ideology.

Profile: this feature is used by an individual can show people within the app who they are.

Discussion: These are groups in which people can interact with each other based on topics that are specific to them.

How does the company make money from the product?

They do not make money from the product.


What are the specific problems in the product and how can they be solved?

The User Interface is a major issue that requires serious evaluation…

It isn't really appealing to the eye as a professional.

A new User Interface can be designed based on what is to be achieved.